Our capabilities enable us to offer our clients a complete range of construction services, whether we provide our services as a General Contractor, and/or Construction Manager. We will assemble a dedicated team of in-house professionals to meet each project’s particular requirements.

Houston Area Water Corporation (City of Houston)

Raw Water Intake Structure, Earthwork and Pump Station

Contract Amount: $4,567,632.00

Raw Water Intake Structure for Northeast Purification Plant, Lake Houston.

A 66 diameter sheet pile cell was constructed in the lake to access the lake bottom in 23 feet of water. A second braced rectangular sheet pile tunnel pit was installed to allow the 84 inch bore from 20 feed deeper.  The 84 inch intake pipe was installed from the offshore intake structure to the onshore pumping station, some 550 feet away.

Fort Bend County

Willow Fork of Buffalo Bayou Channel Bank Stabilization

Contract Amount: $3,165,000

The project consist of stabilizing the channel banks along Willow Fork of Buffalo Bayou. The channel has multiple slope failures along their length. The banks became saturated as result of high water from Hurricane Harvey and failed when the water receded.

Sheet piling will be driven at the base of the channel slopes and extend above the channel bottom to a height that will allow for a stable slope above the wall. The completed slopes will be vegetated above the walls. Soil disturbing activities will include: constructing the access road; clearing and grubbing; excavation of sediment; grading and shaping the channel banks; and vegetating the disturbed areas.

TxDOT / James Construction

Hempstead Road Reconstruction

Contract Amount: $3,540,000

Located within the city of Houston in Harris County, this project is a vital link on the Hempstead roadway and will provide traffic an alternate route to US 290. The proposed project consists of the construction of a six-lane divided urban street facility. 

This project consists of a significant amount of construction on UPRR facilities, including the replacement of three existing railroad overpasses and related track realignment.

LBC Terminals

Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

Contract Amount: $8210,198

Sheet Pile Retaining Wall, LBC Terminals - A new steel sheet pile wall, complete with double channel wales, tie rods and sheet pile anchor wall was installed to allow expansion of the access road along the edge of the existing drainage ditch.


Shell Deer Park Sheet Piling

Contract Amount: Undisclosed

Project is located at the Shell Deer Park Refinery complex.  For this exciting project, MB Western Industrial Contracting Company furnished the necessary labor, equipment, and material to complete the installation of 10 pairs of steel sheet piling in 20 feet lengths as directed along the existing slope.

Scope includes degrading of the top of the levee sufficiently to allow access for the 110 Ton Crawler crane to the top of the levee all along the pile alignment.